Are you coming on Nov 18th to "Ants In Your Pants" or Shabb at Beineinu on Nov 18th? All the cook kids are planning to attend. Don't miss out. RSVP today.
After you get busy with some words of Torah, get busy with some volunteering. Nov 20th - make the commitment to deliver meals to seniors. Meaningful and enjoyable for everyone!
Details for both below.
This week we read "Lech Lecha" about Avram (he isn't Abraham yet) being tapped by God to "go to the place that I will show you." If Avram agrees, God will make him a great nation, bless all who bless him and curse all who curse him." Who could resist? Not Avram. He takes his wife Sarai (not Sarah yet), his nephyew Lot, and all of his property, including the "souls he acquired" (that's a nice way of saying servants/slaves) and sets out on his journey. And it's quite a journey. Here is some of what happens;
-Afraid for his life, because King takes interest in Sarai, Avram asks her to lie and say she is his sister (twice)
-Avram and Lot split their property and go their separate ways.
-Their maidservant Hagar (lit. "the one who lives" or "the stranger"), gives birth to a son, Ishmael. Sarai cannot handle this and demands that Avram sends Hagar and the baby away (twice).
-God changes their names to AvraHam and SaraH (the "H" from God's name "Hashem" - lit. means "The Name")reaffirming the covenant.
It's a really rich portion and I highly recommend reading it all the way through.
I want to focus on the name of the porstion, "Lech-Lecha". God tells Avram to "Lech/go, to the place that I will show you." That takes care of the "lech" but what about the "lecha"? This is curious. It means "TO you". How can Abraham "Go to you."? What does this mean?
The Torah is the story of God establishing a never ending relationship with humanity. It's the story of the creation of monotheism. It's a story of building faith. It's a lot to take in. God appreciates this and provides a physical location and some really awesome promises in an effort to (possibly) have it all makes more sense. God doesn't name the place, just says "lech/go to the place that I will show you."
Perhaps the "you", "lecha" is about going inside - back into the self in order to arrive at a connection with God. It's about turning inward to see the real self. Only when we see our truest self can we enage with something Divine.
The results of the election are a "Lech Lecha" message. A message for us to turn inward and take a good and honest look at ourselves and our country. America has said something very powerful and scary with the results of this election. America, "the land of the free and the home of the brave," is filled with people who do not believe in equality for all. America, where everyone is guaranteed "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" is acutally filled with people who do not believe that everyone has the right to equal rights. There is racism, sexism, homophobia, zenophobia, agism, classism and hatred.
This portion challenges us to reflect on the (intentional and unintentional) role we play in contributing to the inequities. When we can engage our insecurities, fears and discomfort honestly, we can move through them, maybe even past them. And then, we can do the work necessary to really make the words of our Jewish and Amercia sacred texts a reality.
Mekor Ha'Chayiim, Source of Life, as we move into another Shabbat, another opportunity to step away from our busy lives and into the wide open space of relfection, may we have the courage to face our own "isms".
In blessing and friendship,
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