11.18.16 Leonard Cohen (May his name be forever a blessing and his words forever a teaching.)

This week we read Parashat Va'yeira, the chilling story of God asking/commanding Abraham to sacrifice Isaac.  We read this on Yom Kippur as well.  "Thank you," Daniel Cammerman for sending me this powerful teaching from Rabbi Jonathan Sacks.  His teaching of "Va'yeira", through the compelling words of Leonard Cohen's, "You Want it Darker", provides meaning, relevance and even hope in a time when many are experiencing deep sadness and despair.  Wherever we stand politically, wherever our views diverge, wherever we experience a disconnect, we must, like Abraham as he made his way to the mountain, ready to sacrifice Isaac, "lift our eyes" towards justice.  Like Abraham, we must be ready to say "Hineinu"(here I am ready act).  It is a time for raising up one another through love and care, kindness and respect. 

It's worth every second of the 10 minute audio.  When you are done, take some time to listen to "You Want it Darker", by Leonard Cohen.  The entire album is tremendous.

As we move into Shabbat, let us be extra mindful of how we lean into love and kindness. Where do we need to push ourselves harder? 

Looking forward to celebrating Shabbat together (details below).

Shabbat shalom u'mevorach,

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