9.23.16 "Put in Our Hearts"

Have you registered for High Holy Days?  
How will we take them Higher if you aren't with us?

In 2015 the first Jewish, Christian, Muslim prayer book, "אדון השלום(Adon Hashalom), Lord of Peace, رب السلام" was published in Israel, by Idra Press.  It's a collection of poems and prayers for peace from all three traditions. The entire collection is written in all three languages - Hebrew, English and Arabic. Our three faiths have so much in common and yet from the media it seems like we have nothing connecting us to one another.  It's a shame.  This prayer book stands a tangible reminder that religion is based on a foundation of love, peace and kindness for all.  

In a time when it seems like the world is moving farther and farther away from the "Golden Rule" of treating others the way we hope to be treated, we need more of these tangible reminders.  

As we draw closer to Rosh Hashanah, the start of another New Year, five thousand, seven hundred and seventy seven, we have another opportunity to bring love, peace and kindness back to the foreground.  We have another opportunity to demand that we will not stand for a world where these love, peace and kindness are not the priority.

Here's a poem from the prayer book to help us get in the mood.

"Put it in Our Hearts to See the Virtue of Our Friends"  by: Rabbi Elimelech of Lezajsk.
Note:  He understand "friend" to mean anyone who is "other".

Put it in our hearts
For each of us to see the virtue of our friends and not their flaw
And for each of su to address his friend in a way that is right and desirable to Thee
And may no one harbor hate to his friend in his heart
And may our bond to Thee grow every stronger in 
Thy love
As all is known and clear to Thee
so that all shall be pleasing to Thee
Amen, may it come to pass.

As we move into Shabbat let us make the choice to see the other as our friend.  Let us choose love, peace and kindness over all else.

Shabbat shalom,

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